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"We left our soul-crushing, corporate jobs to make the games we'd actually play," said Derek Brinkmann, founder and CEO of Citadel Studios.


With a full understanding of the genre's history and modern development, Citadel's goal is to create something like nothing else on the market.

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Derek, Chris and Tim have seen online games evolve from their earliest days through the introduction of free-to-play, mobile, MOBAs and other modern multiplayer genres. Learn more about Shards and the Citadel team:Ĭitadel was founded by game industry veterans Derek Brinkmann, Chris Ondrus and Tim Cotten, whose collective credits range from RPG classics like the Elder Scrolls series, Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online, to AAA titles in the NASCAR and Madden franchises. With Shards, Citadel is taking inspiration from their previous work on the grandaddy of RPGs, Ultima Online - they're creating a truly next-generation online game that will enable players to customize their experience, and change the face of player collaboration forever. For the past six months, Citadel has been heads down working on their first project, codenamed "Shards," and is ready to give the world a sneak peek. WASHINGTON, Ma– A veteran team of online gaming experts today announced the formation of Citadel Studios, a new independent video game development company focusing on multiplayer role-playing games for PC. "Ultimately the community will dictate what Shards becomes, because we're not just providing a game but also a platform for players to express their creativity."Ĭitadel's press release is light on game-specific details, but it states that the company is "ignoring the modern online gaming imperative to squeeze every last cent from every player." Shards will "give players more power than ever before, without constantly asking them to take out their wallets." The firm has released a brief teaser trailer which you can watch by clicking past the cut.ĪAA Online Game Veterans Form New Indie StudioĬitadel Studios Brings 40+ Years of Development Experience to New Sandbox RPG Codenamed "Shards" "We left our soul-crushing, corporate jobs to make the games we'd actually play," says Brinkmann, founder and CEO of Citadel Studios.

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The project is codenamed Shards, and it draws on the dev trio's experiences building Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online, UO, and classic Elder Scrolls RPGs.

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What do you get when you combine the dev talents of Derek Brinkmann, Chris Ondrus and Tim Cotten? Apparently you get a new firm called Citadel Studios which is building an Ultima Online-inspired "game that will enable players to customize their experience and change the face of player collaboration forever."

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